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Here it is folks , the end of ramadan . It’s a great time to look back and reflect on how you did, those who stuck to the keto diet can be amazed at the energy they had and the fat they have lost, those who ate anything can look at it as a chance gone begging,

So I managed to fast for 2 weeks during Ramadan whilst maintaining energy for my work commitments and just enough energy for the gruelling crossfit workouts , I only did it for 2 weeks as although I performed admirably in my wods I felt I could and should do more .. so I reverted back to my 3 meals a day/ eat when I’m hungry schedule.
And now EID is here everyone needs to be a little bit sensible with the eating as all those amazing things you have done and the weight you have lost during Ramadan will be lost, its incredibly easy to jump back onto the carb band wagon and succumb to the addiction , one bit of advice is stay away from the chocolate 😛 I am in the VIP lounge at Manchester airport eating an amazing green leaf salad with chicken, salchicha, olives and cheese , BUT….. there is a mountain of chocolate rocky road and chocolate cookies staring at me , 20170625_170708.jpgI will not break , they hold nothing over me anymore… today I am strong and you will be to.20170625_165037

New strategy .. I’m going to skip breakfast .

DAY 5 .. Garryfitness woke up at 0230 … And had keema mince and a 2 egg omelette with cream and was stuffed , fell to sleep at gone 4 and woke up at 0700 …. TIRED .. where’s the sleep gone

Weirdly tired but had energy felt hungry at about 4:30 pm. Chilled on the bed before 8:15 pm training…

Now I’m in OPTIMAL NUTRITIONAL KETOSIS..20170602_075247

After feeding myself with chocolate and flapjack and cookies on Sunday.. ( my devil got the better of me) I’m back on track 💪💪


lemon water and salt
Starters : garlic mushrooms and brie.
Main : 2 x marinated chicken thighs , mushroom cheese burger, goose egg .
Deserts: not today.
BREAKFAST . Skipping breakfast… going to eat again at 11pm

Day 4… shouldn’t have woke up for breakfast

DAY 4 .. Garryfitness woke up at 0230 … And had keema mince and a 2 egg omelette and was stuffed , it took an hour to fall asleep and then wake up at 0700

Very tired early morning, I felt hungrier at around 9 am but that was it, energy went crazy at about 4:30 pm. I felt awesome.

TRAINING.. finished work at 8pm so no training

lemon water and salt
Starters : olives and brie.
Main : mince meat, spinach omelette with brie and cheesy garlic mushrooms 20170601_205430.jpg
Deserts: not today.
BREAKFAST . ( alarm.set .. I must get up) thin omelette and keema mince with cream.

DAY 3 … missed breakfast yesterday

DAY 3 IN THE BIG BROTHER fasting HOUSE…..Garryfitness turned his alarm off at 0230 and missed breakfast… again ..

Once again I felt hungry at around 9 am but that was it, energy went crazy at about 4:30 pm. I felt awesome.

TRAINING.. 5 rounds of
20 DUs and 10 deficit push ups Screenshot_20170601-085856.png
Followed by
Max reps toe to beam and chair dips . . Felt good .. DUs were a chore .Screenshot_20170601-085817

lemon water and salt
Starters : olives and haloumi
Main : marinated chicken thigh, homemade burger, 4 eggs and brie
Deserts: spoonful of extra thick double cream and half an avocado .
BREAKFAST . ( alarm.set .. I must get up) thin omelette and keema mince ….